Held on 17th July 2024
Access to the small meeting hall was limited to Members on proof of membership either by membership card or checked against an up to date Membership List.
Each Member at the meeting was supplied with two numbered ballot cards.
The meeting was attended by 141 members.
Card ballots were held on two amendments to the new model rules for a Club and Institute Union Member Club as approved by the CIU Rules Officer.
After the meeting the ballots were counted by the President, Tom Jones and David Dade with the Secretary, Peter Snell as an observer. The votes cast for each amendment were as follows;
Rule 30. Dissolution amendment: 54 in favour, 87 against
Rule 37 Interpretation amendment: 54 in favour, 81 against
A show of hands vote was also taken on adopting the latest model rules of the Club & Institute Union.
The vote to adopt was voted down by 49 votes to 37.
Peter Snell, Club Secretary
18th July 2024