The Mildmay Club & Institute is a members’ club founded in 1888 and which has been at its present site on Newington Green since 1900.
It has a members’ bar, a nine-table snooker room, a pool/TV room, and two large upstairs halls hosting regular live events.
Membership is open to everyone over the age of 18 for an annual fee of £35.
You can read all about the history of the Club here.
An elected committee made up of volunteer members oversees the running of the club and meets with staff monthly.
Committee Minutes
You can read the minutes of our recent meetings here.
Annual Accounts
And our annual accounts for 2023 (presented to the 2024 AGM) here.
Building Renovation
We have been carrying out extensive renovation work on our magnificent club building.
Repairs to our complex roof structure are now complete, but there is a great deal more to do.
Here is the report on progress prepared for our 2024 AGM:
Our Club Rules
The Club’s constitution is based on model rules set out by our umberella body, the Club and Institute Union (CIU).
Jack & the Beanstalk in Wonderland
Outome of Special General Meeting
Election Results
AGM Reports
Committee Elections 2024/2025
Annual General Meeting 2024
Fixing the Roof!
Looking to the future
Mildmay Stories
Oh, I do like to be beside the seaside…
And then came the rain…
Treasures in the attic